about Non-Congress

When: 21.-23. of june 2024

Where: in Berlin, exact location by Mail

registration by e-Mail: non-kongress[at]systemli.org

We are only interested in getting an idea of how many people we need to plan with. So we don’t need any political portfolio, proof of commitment or bourgeois information like your name.

Unfortunately we are not able to organize sleeping places. Therefore please take care of yourselves. But we would like to ask all people in Berlin to write in your email if you can offer sleeping places. Then we could organize a small sleeping place exchange on site during the congress.

Preliminary program for the Non-Congress (pdf)

Friday (start 7 pm)

Welcome: On the NON-perspective – what is it? And how did we get there?

Evaluation and subsequent discussion on the status quo:

Are we living in pre-revolutionary times? What is currently happening in and with the insurrections and non-movements? How does the crisis of the (radical) left relate to this? Can or should we have any hope at all?

Saturday (start 10 am)

First Round: Contributions and subsequent discussion on the “Zeitenwende” (epochal tectonic shift). Covid-19 – Criticism of science — religion — state of emergency

Was Covid just an exception to the exception or an expression of a normalizing state of emergency? What modes of subjectivation can be observed in the face of the end of neoliberalism/the turn of an era? What role do digitalization and science play in the production of a new form of social totality? Science as religion – who are its believers? Bio- and necropolitics

continue at 15.30h

Second Round: Contributions and subsequent discussion on (No) Future. Ecological Accumulation Regime — Financial Market — New World (Dis)Order

What does the governance of ecology mean? Where does the eternally progressive formal abstraction of capitalism lead: the dominance of financial speculation, break-in of the finite and green „fascism“? Catastrophism as an ideology of renewal or of the end?

Sunday (start 10 am)

Closure: What is politics? Of oases and territories. Ethics vs. politics vs. universalism — destitution, desertion, destruction

Are we witnessing the end of politics as it has been practiced in the Western world since the acient times or are we experiencing a new beginning? How do we shape a new beginning, or even more simply: how do we want to fight? If politics has failed, are we left with nothing but ethics? If the fight in direct confrontation seems futile, are we left with nothing but resignment? The “Entsetzung” (the drop) of power? Where are the places for its destruction? And with whom do we want to fight? And what does it mean to win, even if victory is still a long way off?

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